  • 1. Covering 2000 sqft. Or less
  • 2. Limited images up to 33 or less.
  • 3.Includes Virtual Slideshow Tour
  • 4.Includes Aerials were Safe and Legal
  • 5.DropBox link e-mailed to you before 10 am next day

  • 1. Covering 2300 sqft. Or less
  • 2.Limited images up to 40 or less.
  • 3. Includes Virtual Slideshow Tour
  • 4.Includes Aerials were Safe and Legal
  • 5. DropBox link e-mailed to you before 10 am next day

  • 1.Covering 2300 sqft. To 3500 sqft
  • 2. Limited images up to 50
  • 3. Includes Virtual Slideshow Tour
  • 4. Includes Aerials were Safe and Legal

HD Virtual Slideshow Tour

  • 1.HD Virtual Tour / HD Slideshow including Music..
  • 2. Uploaded to YouTube next morning.
  • 3. Then both DropBox and YouTube links E-Mailed to next day before 11m

Virtual Staging

per image
  • 1.Virtual Staging per image
  • 2.One image may have to 2 rooms. They are included as well.
  • 3.24 – 36 hour turn around

HD Walk-Through Video

  • 1.One to Two key clips highlighting almost every room.
  • 2.Including Aerial footage.
  • 3.DJI Mavic 2 Pro Drone flown to capture footage flying IN towards home. Then flying backwards to show the take away from the backyard, and the neighbors.
  • 4.Uploaded to YouTube next morning by 10 am

Neighborhood Entrances

Complimentary With All Photography Packages
  • 1. Neighborhood Entrances Ground or Aerials if safe, available, and legal.

Twi-Light Conversion

  • 1. $15 Conversion of day light images to Twi-Light
  • 2. Order anytime before or after shoot.
  • 3. If order after Virtual Tour.
  • 4. There is a charge to add photo to Virtual Tour.

Re-design Virtual Tour

  • 1. $ 50 Re-design of Virtual Tour/ Slideshow to add or delete any images.
  • 2. Including any requests of any kind.
  • 3. Includes complete removal of VT off-line.
  • 4. Re-build manually VT.
  • 5. Then re-load VT on-line.
  • 6. E-mailing client complete original form containing DropBox and YouTube links.

Return to listing

  • 1. $75 Return to listing for any reason to shoot one room.
  • 2. Add $25 at second rooms etc.
  • 3. DropBox link E-Mailed next day.
  • 4. Note this price includes removing then re-building Virtual Tour.

Neighborhood Amenities

  • 1. $ 20 HDR Neighbor Hood Amenities at one location.
  • 2. Up to 5 Ground, Elevated or
    Drone images. Stacy’s call based on legal access.

Small Home/ Apt/ Rentals

  • 1. Up to 30 HDR with Aerial images no slideshow.

*All HDR Aerial Photography and Video taken where safe AND legal only.

Contact Us Today About Pricing!